Coleman will share her insights and vision for a world where people work together to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. She envisions a future where working together solves problems affecting everyone on planet Earth. Cady is certain diverse and inclusive teams are a key piece of those solutions.
“Looking back at our planet, it’s clear that we have everything and everyone that we need down there to live sustainably. Our success lies in being both open and brave when it comes to working together to find solutions to our terrestrial challenges,” says Coleman. “Open to seeing and hearing what others bring to the table, and brave enough to realize that what each of us has to share can be the key to advancing step-by-step towards significant solutions.”

Cady was educated at MIT and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst as a polymer chemist and commissioned in the US Air Force, retiring as a Colonel. In addition to her space flights, she served as the NASA Astronaut Office’s Lead Science Officer for Expeditions 26/27, Lead Astronaut for supply ships from NASA’s commercial partners, and Chief of Robotics. Cady went on to lead open-innovation and public-private partnership efforts at the Office of the Chief Technologist at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC and is especially proud of her work with LAUNCH.ORG, an innovation platform dedicated to using public-private partnerships to address world-wide sustainability challenges.
Register Today
The shift to zero waste and circular economy principles will have impacts in all aspect of our lives. To succeed in the face of this massive, fast-approaching change, you need to stay informed. Metro Vancouver’s 2017 Zero Waste Conference is the place to get the insights you can use to adapt – from speakers like Cady Coleman and all the rest of our industry-leading panelists and presenters. This year’s theme is A Circular Economy Within Reach. The conference will be held on November 1, 2017 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Register Now
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