Tag Archives: crade to cradle manufacturing

Fuelled by the success of its eponymous movie, Lego claimed the title of world's largest toy manufacturer last week. The company is also an industry leader in renewable energy and zero waste efforts.  But, like most businesses, LEGO still has room for progress when it comes to eco-friendly business practices. It's a challenge they are tackling head-on, with the…

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Closed-loop. Cradle-to-Cradle. Industrial Sustainability. There's more than one name for the circular economy. But, whatever you call it, a zero waste approach to the manufacturing and consumption of the goods and services offers a new framework for continued prosperity in a changing world.  And as our planet gets smaller, resources scarcer, and the stakes higher, the circular economy may…

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In the famous 1967 movie The Graduate, a young Dustin Hoffman – in the role of Benjamin Braddock, is taken aside at a party and given a piece of career guidance that became famous. In a word – "plastics". Fast forward to the 21st century and this succinct advice might get a small edit if you were to ask Toby Reid. He'll…

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