Author Archives: Metro Vancouver

Addressing food waste has been an important subject at every Metro Vancouver Zero Waste Conference. This year's edition will be no different. With efforts to reduce food waste impacting us everywhere from your home kitchen to the global food chain, how can we reclaim the nutritious food we lose, and build resiliency, a stable economy and a healthy environment?…

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Closing the loop in a circular economy leads to a realization. Achieving a future without waste demands we recognize the interconnectedness of our efforts across disciplines. At Metro Vancouver's 2016 Zero Waste Conference we will be looking at zero waste through the lens of four distinct sessions. This comprehensive approach not only promises 'something for everyone'…

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In an age of disposability, planned obsolescence, fast fashion, and electronic gadgets that are out-of-date 15 minutes after purchase – repair and reuse becomes a radical act. It's also a trend that is making a comeback. How do we scale the repair and reuse revolution so that reuse is more common than replace? At the 2016…

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"In the Biological Age, designers and builders are empowered to dream up new, dynamic design possibilities, where products and structures will be able to grow, heal, and adapt." So says ZWC 2016 opening keynote Neri Oxman – the architect, designer, and innovator who has captured the attention of institutions ranging from M.I.T. to the Museum of Modern Art…

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Wood Waste Richmond Bylaw MVCU from Metro Vancouver on Vimeo. Buildings are material intensive, consuming over half the world’s extracted materials and generating roughly one third of waste globally. Across the Lower Mainland, about 2,500 single family homes are demolished every year, each averaging 50 tonnes of wood waste. New municipal bylaws requiring demolition recycling are…

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Give a Shirt Campaign.mp4 from Metro Vancouver on Vimeo. August 17th was National Thrift Shop Day in Canada. Thrift retailer Value Village, one of the organizations joining the Reuse and Repair discussion at the 2016  Zero Waste Conference, marked the occasion with a unique art installation highlighting the issue of textile waste and the role consumers can play in reducing…

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Neri Oxman coined the phrase 'material ecology.' Now she's designing a revolution. Oxman's work harnesses natural processes and innovative thinking to create ground-breaking designs for everything from building materials to haute couture. Oxman is bringing her big ideas to Metro Vancouver's 2016 Zero Waste Conference on November 3, 2016, as the keynote speaker for the 6th annual event. This…

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Design for Compostability: Success Stories within the Value Chain Product designers seeking to close the loop on waste often look in the direction of compostability. But some innovations inadvertently create products and packaging which won't degrade in existing large scale compost facilities. This can be due to design, composting technology, or processing conditions. So, what does effective design…

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Global Expertise Delivers Optimistic Plan for Zero Waste World An enthusiastic audience of more than 500 delegates gathered at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre for Metro Vancouver's 5th annual Zero Waste Conference held on Thursday, Oct 29th, 2015.  Presenters from around the globe delivered key insights into zero waste principles and the circular economy – offering a promising vision for the…

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Looking to share your Zero Waste Conference experience via Twitter? Remember to use the event hashtag #ZWC2015. Want to highlight a conference participant in your social media posts? Here are the Twitter 'handles' for the organizations, speakers, and panellists who are a part of this year's event: Metro Vancouver 2015 Zero Waste Conference Event hashtag #ZWC2015 Metro Vancouver on…

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