Tag Archives: National Zero Waste Council

Inspiring presentations. Informative discussions. Innovative ideas. All great reasons to attend Metro Vancouver's annual Zero Waste Conference. But there's another. And you're part of it. While the presenters and panellists are a big draw for attendees, a big reason many people return to the conference again and again is the opportunity to make connections with…

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  Around the world, governments, activist organizations, and industry are tackling food waste issues. But without the positive network efforts of collaboration and coordination, progress is slowed. To have a bigger impact, a transformational shift is necessary.  Cooperating across sectors, leveraging off each other's actions, and identifying collective opportunities can provide fertile ground for big…

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The 2017 Metro Vancouver Zero Waste Conference promises to offer insights across the circular economy spectrum. Our sessions this year will be focusing on five key areas of zero waste innovation. Plastics: Reimagining A Global Material Plastics break down into tiny, everlasting fragments – making their way into our oceans where they are consumed by…

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Metro Vancouver Chair Greg Moore and Scott Hamlin of Looptworks were interviewed on Roundhouse Radio this week. Hear what they had to say about the conference, zero waste, and the circular economy. Looking to share your Zero Waste Conference experience via Twitter? Remember to use the event hashtag #ZWC2016. Want to highlight a conference participant in your social…

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Metro Vancouver's 2016 Zero Waste Conference will begin the day with the big ideas of Neri Oxman. The event wraps up with Owen Zachariasse's successes putting cradle-to-cradle principles into practice. These two speakers are emblematic of the conference itself. Inspiring ideas and real world solutions meet at ZWC 2016, where long-term visions of a zero waste future share the spotlight…

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Activists and academics. Government officials. Small-scale innovators and start-ups. Exactly the kind of delegates you might expect at a conference dedicated to changing the way we think about and deal with waste. At the Metro Vancouver Zero Waste Conference, these attendees will also be rubbing shoulders with executives of national and international companies embracing the circular…

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Big Ideas. Groundbreaking innovations. Cutting-edge solutions. Metro Vancouver’s annual Zero Waste Conference has gained a reputation for delivering invaluable perspectives on all three. The one-day conference’s well-deserved reputation for impacting policies and practices is due in large part to its track record of showcasing real world successes in the shift towards the circular economy and…

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Closing the loop in a circular economy leads to a realization. Achieving a future without waste demands we recognize the interconnectedness of our efforts across disciplines. At Metro Vancouver's 2016 Zero Waste Conference we will be looking at zero waste through the lens of four distinct sessions. This comprehensive approach not only promises 'something for everyone'…

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Design for Compostability: Success Stories within the Value Chain Product designers seeking to close the loop on waste often look in the direction of compostability. But some innovations inadvertently create products and packaging which won't degrade in existing large scale compost facilities. This can be due to design, composting technology, or processing conditions. So, what does effective design…

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Global Expertise Delivers Optimistic Plan for Zero Waste World An enthusiastic audience of more than 500 delegates gathered at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre for Metro Vancouver's 5th annual Zero Waste Conference held on Thursday, Oct 29th, 2015.  Presenters from around the globe delivered key insights into zero waste principles and the circular economy – offering a promising vision for the…

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